All Your Mah-Jong Questions Answered (Sample)
Since my website, “Mah-Jong, British Rules”, was launched in 2008 I have received a multitude of questions about the BMJA rules. This book is a compilation of those questions and the answers I have provided.
It should be a handy reference when playing the game as well as something to be read at leisure.
A lot of the questions are ones that most players will ask themselves at some point in their play. Others are more obscure and have involved many consultations with the authors.
There's also a separate chapter dealing with the mistakes and ambiguities that have inevitably emerged since the official BMJA rules were last published.
The book is available in paperback or Kindle version from Amazon. Links can be found at the end of this sample download.
This is a sample of my book, "All Your Mah-Jong Questions Answered": British Rules